Here you will find a repository of Jingles, Videos, Roq Of The 80s Top Lists, ROQ of The 80’s Spotify playlists of the top 106 songs and, actual Off Air recordings from, KROQ-FM (Pasadena). The ROQ Of The 80’s, and 94.7 KMET (Los Angeles) The Mighty MET. During the 70s and 80s. The forgone era when radio was programmed locally, had actual DJs and, it was fun!. Not like radio is today where someone, somewhere, is voice tracking for 100’s of radio stations. Radio Stations who play the exact same play list that is generated by a ‘consultant’, in some office building totally detached from the local radio markets.

This is a place where you can re-live a part of your youth. IE: The best years of your life! (If you can remember them).