
Things you should know…
These playlists are linked over to Spotify. A few of the songs on the Top 106.7 Songs are not available on Spotify. I did find them on Youtube. Needless to say, The Spotify lists do not have all 106.7 songs. At the bottom of each section is a link to the playlist hosted on These lists do have all 106.7 songs including the Youtube songs. Here is a problem I discovered while making these playlists. Each playlist has over 100 songs in them. That means every time a playlist is loaded, it is making over 100 requests to Spotify for each song. It is quite possible that when you load a playlist, over 100 requests will be made. Spotify has a limit as to how many requests it will process at a given moment. It it gets overloaded with requests, it will give a 529 error. If you get a 529 error, Go find something to do (smoke a bowl) for a few minutes and try again.